Party dress,Wedding dress

Party dress,Wedding dress

This world may no longer be a luxury brand like Louis Vuitton (Louis Vuitton) such love and human court, and if you type on Baidu "LV litigation" you can easily seized more than 660,000 pieces of information, this is the Chinese search site result, the information in the foreign sites may be even several times in this volume.

Recently the news broke, people finally Louis Vuitton (Louis Vuitton) endless lawyer letters last straw, even a luxury in one of the three oligarchs, when it scandal, such a result would be difficult to avoid. Speaking of things from 2007, organized by the Danish artists NadiaPlesner called "SimpleLiving" campaign to raise awareness about the genocide in Darfur awareness and raise funds to help "DivestforDarfur" organization. February 2008, Nadia Plesner received a letter from the Office of Louis Vuitton in Paris sent a letter asking him to end the campaign immediately, and pay $ 20,000 per day of infringement fees, as Louis Vuitton (Louis Vuitton) that Their products are drawn in this poster.
For Louis Vuitton (LVMH) in power and increasingly serious problem of poverty, organized this year in March last crusade issued a statement, but helpless in the Louis Vuitton (LVMH) of the "pettifogging" shape, the organization selected Anonymous. But the anonymous remarks organization is ringing, while they condemned the Louis Vuitton (Louis Vuitton) the destruction of the economy, on the other hand said it would encourage the purchase of Louis Vuitton (Louis Vuitton) handbags replica, and give them homeless people. If your sister has an old bag, then of course it also can play a good role.

Par dresswedding le mercredi 13 avril 2011


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