Party dress,Wedding dress

Party dress,Wedding dress

Dingzhuang powder foundation and to choose the texture and delicate

Dingzhuang powder foundation and to choose the texture and delicate, soft, color can be a little lighter, choose light color or ivory white.Quinceanera Dresses Foundation to use when playing delicate texture of sponge, from top to bottom, from inside to outside printing press gently on the skin. Properly damp sponge in that way easier for foundation docile, but also conducive to color.

Not smeared in thick foundation, or can not create "transparent" effect. For the eyes, nose groove, mouth and chin, with particular attention to depression, or else will form a foundation block, very ugly. Nose because the cuticle is thicker,Party Dresses more coating technique should be gentle when the foundation, many people may think that every day and do basic maintenance, rub a good sunscreen products, they can maintain good skin condition. In fact, the maintenance of the day just to block the air of dust, bacteria and prevent UV damage to skin, leaving skin radiant prime time really is time to sleep at night.

Par dresswedding le mercredi 13 avril 2011


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