Party dress,Wedding dress

Party dress,Wedding dress

dress liu

Makeup how to change regardless of the bride,plus size prom dresses the bride is the wedding of the total female audience. International make-up big for the large group shot the bride look so elegant at the same time maintaining the bride, the interpretation of a varied style. Let's take a look at this trilogy bridal makeup transform it! The bride gave us pure, holy feeling in the makeup of the characterization, we stress the atmosphere. In recent years, enduring the "bare makeup" trend brings us a hint: "bare makeup" does not mean "no makeup", but also a carefully decorated effect. "Bare makeup" has not only represents a clean face makeup, makeup is more important but after that no traces of polished state.deb Each of the makeup, we only emphasize a point. The focus on the eye. The eyes are the window to the soul of your wedding, nothing more than this site-looking important. Makeup face in white gauze before, we emphasized the perfect looking finish. Cheongsam put this in the moment, we see the different kind of eyes. The bride is no longer limited to conventional lip color pink, pink, red, Chinese red can be the color of choice for evening makeup, creating a brightly noble effect, while showing a sexy lips are dripping crystal texture, water shine like the light feeling, deb so that the whole person in the tripping out in the evening gown[url=]wedding dress[/url]
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Par dresswedding le vendredi 01 avril 2011


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