Party dress,Wedding dress

Party dress,Wedding dress

From the ugly chrysalis to beautiful butterfly

From the ugly chrysalis to beautiful butterfly, the growth of life transformation experienced the best metaphor.deb Butterfly is a beautiful, free, love symbols. Butterfly graphics are also popular among women as a favorite decoration, many female stars are more willing to own some of the hidden parts of a butterfly tattoo on the pattern.(The picture shows John-Galliano2011 spring and summer work) in China, deb the butterfly is the mother of the Miao people generally ancestral worship the god, the butterfly symbol steeped in ancestor worship of the Miao people of the original sense, is a typical sign of decorative arts. Because the butterfly has a strong vitality, a feature that desire to reproduce offspring with the Miao People, growth is very consistent with the ideal of the clan, so the butterfly known as the Hmong in the myth of human ancestors, known as the "Butterfly Mama" to express the on the nature,dress barn the universe, understanding and awareness of the origins of life.

Par dresswedding le jeudi 31 mars 2011


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