Party dress,Wedding dress

Party dress,Wedding dress

Fashion scalability and ubiquitous

Fashion scalability and ubiquitous penetration will reach deep into the lives of its multiple levels, multiple corner: home, street, travel, reception, etc., should be the trend of living space full of tension, "HONB" brand came into being , and colorful style of attitude,plus size sweet 16 dresses and in fashion Yuanyou beats, the ever-changing trends in migration, and demonstrates, the pursuit of a long-lasting beauty and temptation, urban women continue to meet the needs of various life stance, both the elegant and dignified, also feminine; can cool personality, can also be very noble ... ... her "fashion beautiful, amazing heart" of the brand style, make your life capability in different occasions, enjoying life's pleasures Variety . Years only a sword, to do this, "HONB" struggled for fifteen years a whole; fifteen seasons ups and downs, the joys, hardships and beautiful fashion journey,wedding dress "HONB" form their own unique fashion style and different kind of romantic atmosphere.

In 1996, "HONB" riding "simple, elegant, fashion," the spirit of sailing, came from far across the sea in Italy, with great self-esteem and exudes fragrant ONLY BEAUTY, condensed into a - "female aesthetic life of intimate partner . " Oriental women into the mysterious, gentle temperament, deep flavor, lightly circulated, from your casual a look, Review of a smile, turn the touch of Qunjiao, whisk you unlimited read poetry, which, "HONB "From a different perspective, wedding dress the female temperament elegant stretch to perfection.

Par dresswedding le jeudi 31 mars 2011


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