Party dress,Wedding dress

Party dress,Wedding dress

Authority of the fashion magazine

Authority of the fashion magazine "Women's Wear Daily, " that his "Spice Girl Victoria and shoes than

Imelda Queen greater impact on the epidemic", the famous Louis Vuitton designer Marc Jacobs Zengyi his

nickname to name a Money bag, fellow fans praised his "territory in the world of fashion has left the

imprint of the Philippines,"... ... fashion blog, "Brian boy " owner Brian Yabo, a native of Manila, big

boy, unexpectedly, through his Bowen sought after that big, "to teach people how to dress the Western

world", and he represents have become a fashion blog family emerging force to be reckoned, are quietly

subversive tradition of the past, designers and fashion media from the T-station to dominate the world .
     The image of a neutral or even feminine bias, alternative but exaggerated costumes, with a strong

smell of narcissistic self-photo, this is Brian on his blog, Ya leave people's first impression. As a web

designer unknown, Yabo the age of 17 he started his own blog, from beginning is his hope to record their

bit by bit in foreign travel, as most of the blog, like rookie, readers are his family and close friends .

But the young age of "mother's fashion magazines like to read than watch NBA ", he quickly put the topic

turned to European and American fashion, free, fun to Comment on major brands, together with the display

quality of the clothing with their own Photo. Slowly, his love of fashion madness, a unique understanding

of the trend and are the subject of ridicule into a blog-style articles so that the "Brian Boys " has been

more and more attention, even in 2007, attracting the fashion guru Louis Vuitton designer Marc Jacobs's size sweet 16 dresses plus size sweet 16 dresses plus size sweet 16 dresses plus size sweet 16 dresses wedding dress

Par dresswedding le jeudi 31 mars 2011


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